If you would like to add a quote to this page, please e-mail: pjohnson@greenandgrey.org
“As a physics teacher I see the need for immediate action to combat the warming of our climate primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels. Engaging Americans 50 years and older in this fight is smart and makes strategic sense. Project Green and Grey is made up of dedicated, older Americans who want to leave a sustainable world for coming generations. They know the unique value this group brings in achieving that goal.”
Rickey Torrence, Physics Teacher, Washington DC
This is GREAT! You have done a lot of excellent work in organizing a framework for a potentially useful organization. The outline you provide for the Green and Gray concept is intriguing and potentially could be a valuable addition to the climate change struggle. Best of luck!
Philip L. Pearson, Ph.D., Colonel, US Army Retired, Mississippi
“Climate change is a pressing issue that is causing noticeable changes around us. The youth of today and future generations will be disproportionately affected by the negative impacts, while having little to no say in the issue. It becomes extremely important that all generations, young and old, become involved and work together in the political arena to prevent further allowance of activities linked to climate change. There is a lack of awareness that the benefits of preventing and slowing the change will highly exceed any present costs.”
Tia Hatton, one of 18 “youth plaintiffs” in the federal court case arguing that inaction on climate change is a violation of their constitutional rights, Bend, Oregon.
“While I am 60, I don’t feel it and a large part of that is due to living my life outside as much as possible. Climate change and environmental degradation seriously inhibit everyone’s ability to enjoy the world in which we live-the water, land and air. Our voices-strengthened by years of experience-need to be heard to help protect our natural resources for future generations. This is the mission of Project Green and Grey.”
Catherine Stirling, Annapolis, Maryland
Legislators, as a rule, tend to respond more readily to those they know will vote in the next election. When someone 50+ speaks up, legislators see someone who will most likely follow up, speak up and vote. Bottom line, this group is one of the voices missing from the climate movement and up until this point has not been organized in an intentional, exclusive way. Project Green and Grey is helping to change that.
Pete and Jodell Johnson, Silver Spring, Maryland
When asked why those over 50 years old should care about climate change, Carol Rawie, age 70 of Washington, DC responded, “Climate change is happening so fast and it is happening now. We need to leave this place as good as we found it. I think of my grandnephew and he will be 40 years old in 2050. We need to think of the next generation.”
Carol Rawie, Washington DC
“Baby boomers, financially and politically, sit in the center of power in this country. It only makes strategic sense that Project Green and Grey is bringing this group to the table for climate solutions. This is a legacy issue for this generation, a group proud of the change they have affected in their time on this planet. They were there for the first Earth Day and now they are bringing unique experiences and skills to battle this crisis. Project Green and Grey understands this and knows how and why we need to engage this powerful group.”
Cindy Schwartz, Silver Spring, Maryland
“I am in my mid-fifties and I am highly aware of the need for comprehensive and immediate action on climate change. As recent “empty nesters”, my husband and I are at a period in our lives when we have the time to devote to action for this cause. I think we are part of a large group in this category, who could have a significant impact on policies in this area. That’s why Project Green and Grey makes sense to me – to coordinate this population of “50 somethings” to take responsibility for the kind of climate we are leaving for our children, grand-children and beyond.”
Carol Margulies, Saratoga Springs, New York
“I watched a screening of a movie called “Do the Math” with Bill McKibben. There were several of us at the movie. Now, I want to do more. At the time I wasn’t really aware of the trouble we are in. I believe we need to be good stewards of this earth. We need to take care of our planet but I believe we are in a new phase. I am seeing a lot of older folks getting involved but we need to involve the younger people too. It’s their future. And the people in the middle (age wise) are just too busy.”
Connie Cota, Arlington, Virginia
“People over 50 who are aware of this issue care about it. People with small children work, come home, take care of the kids and don’t have time for anything else. Your whole world revolves around your kids. Once you get a little older, now you have time to look at other things, you can get involved. Once you retire then definitely you have a lot more time.”
Bill and Diana Johnson, Arlington, Virginia
“[Executive Director Pete] Johnson’s vision in Virginia is to identify and train state leaders, and in doing so, he wants to provide members who are looking to connect to a larger effort with a state lead that matches their demographic. Project Green and Grey and Virginia LCV plan to work closely together in the coming years to address key environmental issues in the Commonwealth.”
Virginia League of Conservation Voters Winter 2015 Newsletter
“The people of the future will look back on the old way of doing things … when the primitives actually dug miles into the ground to extract buried fuels … that were then burned in massive central plants to generate electricity … which was then sent tens and hundreds of miles over high-voltage power lines. And to think that these people of old actually put the planet at risk by burning these junk fuels and polluting our air and changing our climate.
They will marvel at the stupidity of the old ways when the power of the sun was available to all, right where they lived.”
Rick Gardner, Retired Environmental Engineer for the US Navy
“The human race as a whole needs to understand that this planet is a totally closed ecosystem. It is surrounded by unfathomable depths of airless, waterless space in which deathphoto comes in seconds! Whatever mankind creates and releases into this environment remains and accumulates!
There is a old saying, “Do not defecate where you live!” The continued use of carbon based fuels is defecating where you and I and all of humankind’s progeny will live. Naturally, climate change occurs. It is normally slow and may take a human lifetime. Earth’s climate is changing and this is occurring in my lifetime!
There are technical means of energy production available to produce electricity that do not require the combustion of carbon based fuels: Geothermal, Solar, Wind, Wave, and, Hydro immediately come to mind. None of these add to climate change or, pollute the planets atmosphere or water sources. Sometimes life does not go on! Sometimes our actions make our own lives unlivable. Is human kind attempting long term, slow suicide out of greed? REMEMBER! If you burn it? You will breathe it!”
Wayne E. Smith, Retired Chemical Plant Tech/OTR truck driver
Thanks Pete Johnson for letting me know about www.facebook.com/projectgreenandgrey/
Ben Fertig, Maryland
“Climate change is happening right now but we have to think of the coming generations. As a teacher and a parent, I am faced everyday with the prospect that our actions and decisions
we make today will have a profound effects on our kids and their kids.
Sean Baldwin, Teacher, Virginia
“I have grandchildren and I want them to have a sustainable world where they can grow up and chase their dreams.”
Tab Wilson, Maryland
“Like many Baby Boomers, I grew up in a culture of activism. You see an injustice, you do something. Join a march, write a letter to the editor, befriend a stranger, call your representative, get involved; not just for your self interest but for the interest of others. I have carried that activism with me and acted on it in ways big and small. I have seen countless times how one person can set change in motion and how groups can do even more. We have the experience and wisdom now to help tackle the biggest challenge of all: Climate Change. We can do this. Forget the “Generation Gap”. Our children and grandchildren want and need our knowledge and energy to help save the planet and I’m going to be there for them and with them in this endeavor. Count me in!”
Mary Pelz, Silver Spring, MD
“An important subject and cause. A friend is taking a stand to educate and inform us older folks and empower us to call for common sense legislation to start addressing climate change. Please like his page and support his efforts.”
Jack LaMotte, Germantown, MD
If you would like to add a quote to this page, please e-mail: pjohnson@greenandgrey.org